Clock Fabrication
Clock Parts
Before fabricating your clock, you should be familiar with the parts and components that make up the clock
1) Upright
Use a 0.374" reamer and ream out the hole using the drill press.
NOTE: This hole must be UNDER SIZED. The large bearing will be press fitted into the upright.
DO NOT clamp the part to the drill press and set the drill press on the slowest speed.
Use a 0.249" reamer and ream on the drill press.
NOTE: Please check the reamer size. The 0.249" and 0.251" look the same.
This hole must be UNDER SIZED. The small shaft will be pressed fitted into the upright.
DO NOT clamp the part to the drill press and set the drill press on the slowest speed.
Use the table top hand taper and tap with #8-32 threads, in both places.
2) Long Bearing and 3) Short Bearing
Use the reamer on these parts only after you have pressed them into the other parts FIRST. (See the Assembly Instructions).
Use a 0.251" reamer and ream the bearings by putting the reamer in the cordless drill. (DO NOT use the reamer in the drill press).
NOTE: These parts are bought from a vendor in mass quantity at low cost. The benefit is the low cost. The draw back is the low quality. The shafts must move freely in the bearings for the clock escapement to work. Please check the reamer size. The 0.249" and 0.251" look the same.
4) Short Shaft and 5) Long Shaft
If needed, use a file to remove any burrs on the ends of the shafts.
NOTE: Burrs left on the shafts are dangerous and will damage other parts during assembly.
6) Bracket
Using a file to remove any burrs on the ends of the bracket.
NOTE: Burrs are the sharp edges that stick out from your part after drilling or cutting. Burrs create two major problems. They are unsafe and they do not allow your parts to fit together properly.
Drill clearance holes for #8-32 screws, two places. DO NOT TAP THESE HOLES WITH THREADS. For the location of these holes you can use the upright as a template. Align the Upright and the Bracket together and use a scribe to trace the holes locations onto the bracket.
Drill clearance holes for #10-32 screws, two places. DO NOT TAP THESE HOLES WITH THREADS. For the location of these holes you can use the Base as a template. Align the Base and the Bracket together and use a scribe to trace the holes locations onto the bracket. There are additional instructions posted to the right of these in the lab that show how to locate the holes onto the Bracket.
7) Base
Counter sink both holes for #10-32 flat head screws. (Use the cordless drill and clamp the base to the worktable).
NOTE: The counter sinks are deep enough when the heads of the screws are just below the surface of the base. Using the hand drill and the table vise are OK for this operation. Refer to the picture of a counter sink hole that is posted to the right of these instructions in the lab.
8) Spacer
The center hole is a clearance hole cut by the Lasercamm for the metal shaft. No actions should be needed.
9) Pendulum
Use a 0.374" reamer and ream the part on the drill press.
NOTE: This hole must be UNDER SIZED. The small bearing will be press fitted into the pendulum.
DO NOT clamp the part to the drill press and set the drill press on the slowest speed.
The eight holes at the bottom of the pendulum are clearance holes cut for #8-32 screws by the Lasercamm. No actions should be needed.
10) Pendulum Clip
The center hole is cut by the Lasercamm and will clamp onto the metal shaft. No actions should be needed.
DO NOT ream this part. The Clip is meant to clamp onto the shaft and use friction to keep them there. You will have to force the Clip onto the shaft.
11) Pulley Flange
The center hole is a clearance hole cut by the Lasercamm for the metal shaft. No actions should be needed.
12) Pulley Spacer
The center hole is cut by the Lasercamm and will clamp onto the metal shaft. No actions should be needed.
DO NOT ream this part. The Clip is meant to clamp onto the shaft and use friction to keep them there. You will
have to force the Clip onto the shaft.
13) Pulley Clamp
Drill a clearance hole for a #4-40 screw through both halves of the clamp.
*** DO NOT tap the hole you drill. The #4-40 screw must move freely through the hole you drill. ***
*** Do not drill the hole too close to the body of the clamp. ***
*** If you do the head of the clamping screw and nut will not fit! ***
The center hole is cut by the Lasercamm and will clamp onto the metal shaft. DO NOT ream the hole. No actions should be needed.
14) Escapement Wheel
The center hole should be a clearance hole, cut by the Lasercamm, for the long shaft. No actions should be needed.
NOTE: If the long shaft does not fit in the center hole use a 1/4" drill bit to make the hole larger.
15) Hub
Drill all the way through to the center of the part and tap on center with a #6-32 thread.
NOTE: Use of the center drill bit here on the curved surface is useful to get the hole started.
The center hole is a clearance hole cut by the Lasercamm for the metal shaft. No actions should be needed.
These are clearance holes cut for a #4-40 screw by the Lasercamm. No actions should be needed.
16) 3D Printed Nut
You have been given this part. No actions should be needed.